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Old 06-07-2011, 11:21 PM   #266 (permalink)
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 44

Originally Posted by LOLPOCALYPSE View Post
Yep your best decision would be to leave. This thread is about metalcore, which you clearly don't like. Naturally in a metalcore thread bands like Killswitch and AILD will come up. You obviously didn't come to discuss metalcore, you just came rag on it. I know a troll when I see one, but I just can't help but feed them.

Metalcore is a respectable genre, and if you don't like it, there are plenty of other genres out there. As someone so quick to criticize the name metal connoisseur, you certainly have a narrow minded view yourself. As soon as you used the term "real metal" I knew what kind of person I was dealing with.

I also apologize for ToG and their "radio" sound, whatever that may be. The local radio stations where I live certainly wouldn't play them. Liquid Metal on XM radio might be the only place to find them. That being said, I'm assuming you made the connection radio = too mainstream = must be generic = no way dood, I like trve metal \m/ >_< \m/. A platinum album must be like poison to you. Don't get me wrong, I like a lot of..."real metal" addition to other subgenres. But at least I am aware that other types of metal exist. For instance, I don't like drone metal at all and I wouldn't listen to it, but I wouldn't try to dis it (or be foolish enough to do so on a forum specifically discussing drone metal)
I'm curious to hear your argument on why a band like AILD is generic and isn't metal. Is it because they have some degree of success? Is it because their production values are relatively high? Is it because you saw the title of the thread as being metalcore and it flipped a switch in your head that said "I'm not allowed to like this. Too many people like this."? Or is it because they play at venues that are larger than my attic?

I think the reason that Metal Connoisseur's name irked you so much is that you automatically assumed that he judged metalcore as being the best form of music. You think that someone who likes metalcore knows nothing about metal, but fail to see the possibility that he may like MORE THAN ONE KIND OF METAL (and he does, if you keep up with this forum at all).

So as I said before, this thread has no place for you. Why did you even comment at all?
well before i answer your questions do you not know what i mean by radio sound? i'm not talking about music played on the radio but music that has a radio friendly sound.
bands like aild just sound like a weaker, wattered down version of mellodic metal. i don't hate the band or think they're terrible. it's just, why do we need them? that sound has been copied and pasted over and over again. generic.
edit: and for not dis'ing a band you don't like i agree. however there's a difference between not liking something b/c you don't have a taste for it and knowing something isn't good. "not because you're told it isn't good."

Last edited by teamventure; 06-07-2011 at 11:44 PM.
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