Originally Posted by teamventure
it doesn't appear to be at all fitting that your name on here is metal connoisseur. a true metal connoisseur would find bands like aild, and kse, pretty weak, wattered down, and well, not metal.. also the first time i heard times of grace i thought the radio was playing. that album sounds like generic radio rock. lame. lame. lame.
srsly, if your name is metal connoisseur, then who are your favorite 5 or 10 metal bands??
I'll play along and give you my favorites in no particular order and you can feel free to rag on them and judge them as subjectively as you wish because I seriously value your off topic posts in a metalcore forum!
Lamb of God
Between the Buried and Me
In Flames
Dark Tranquility...just to name a few. Now please let us return to metalcore.
For anyone who is open-minded enough to poison themselves with "radio sounding" Times of Grace, check out the track Hope Remains. Really solid melodies there.