Originally Posted by Eltiraaz
Sounds interesting, I would have no idea how to write a html script like that.. Do the Admins?
It's not html, it's php - although there is a little html involved.
It's essentially a hack, and it installs like any other vBulletin hack does. I've been on several forums which use it, and it was great fun.
Moving on to Alejo's point, I see your concern - However if all the posts abide by the rules (and lets face it, if you moderators are doing your jobs then you'll remove the ones which DON'T abide by the rules) then it should be a fair contribution.
Each post equals 1 point. If a post is removed for whatever reason, then 1 point is deducted. Also, as part of the warning system (if you have one in place already), for every warning you send out, X amount of points could be removed as punishment for the crime.
It takes a minimal amount of effort to set up shop hack to work in a way which rewards rule abiding contribution, and penalises rule breaking contribution.
Shop hack can also be set up to run alongside a post rating system, whereby for every positive rating a post gets, a point is added to the value of the post. And for every negative rating a post gets, a point is deducted.