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Old 06-06-2011, 01:12 PM   #4 (permalink)
Unknown Soldier
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Originally Posted by VocalsBass View Post
As for the album Autoamerican, and the style of music that they implicated at that time. It seems very subjective in my opinion to suggest that it led to their downfall as a band. My perception is, it led to the pinnacle of their career, as the single "Rapture" being one of the first rap songs to hit #1 on the charts. The hypothesis that The Talking Heads could had done it better than Blondie at that time, just seems to be a hypothetical opinion to me, and nothing more.
Blondie lasted just one more album after Autoamerican and that was the poor Hunter album. The Talking Heads hypothesis is fairly valid, because here was a group of a similiar style of music and location, that had incorporated music outside of their normal influences and had done it very well. Blondie on the other hand were like the Ramones, in the respect that both tried to change their style of music but did not have the ability to pull it off.

Radiator is more original than Kid A but I think Kid A the better album.

Radiohead 3
Super Furry Animals 3
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