Originally Posted by Dotoar
You're lying! What makes you lie?
No sir, YOU LIE!
Originally Posted by Consolator
Forget what I previously said about the album being a disappointment. It took a couple of listens through, but the majority of the songs have grown on me. The sax in "Hair" and lyrics pump me up like nothing else. The second half of "The Queen" is pure bliss. Actually, the first half isn't too bad, either. The Edge of Glory has grown on me, too. I guess at first I was just felt like it was a really bad Cher ripoff (Song For the Lonely, anyone?) and the including of the sax felt very forced, but I can appreciate it now for what it is. Am I the only one that thinks that not releasing "Hair" as a proper single to be a huge mistake on Gaga's part?
that forced sax still annoys me to this day and then it's not like she even includes it properly. She has the other things drowning out the sax a bit so it doesn't get to stand out like it should.
Originally Posted by antiboredom101
want to know how I look at a song I 'like' and one I will never stop liking?
Looking ahead(I know everyone does this) in 10-15 years and asking myself. "Do you want to share, remember, or replay this music".
In reguards to Gaga. The answer is no....Hell no.
I'd probably replay gaga in 15 years but probably not a full album listen through. Just certain singles.
Mostly from her first album. Beautiful Dirty Rich, Nothing else I can say and Paper Gangsta
Originally Posted by Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra
...well, there's absolutely nothing right about this reply.
The messages are so subliminal not even Gaga knows what they are!