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Thread: Lack of usage?
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Old 06-13-2004, 04:14 AM   #21 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by IamAlejo
Sharky, you didn't read that guys post you replied to. He said he likes the boards now because it is NOT a board full of morons. I agree, I'd rather speak to people who know their music and can actually have intelligence when speaking. Most of the time you can find that here. If you want more activity on the boards, suggest the site to your friends, etc. These boards are new, running since the latter part of last year. So be patient.
OK first of all, calm down. It's over.

Second, I never said that I wanted tons of morons on the boards. I never said anyone did - so it's a totally irrellivent point, don't bring it up please.

Third, I am suggesting the board to friends. I've suggested it to at least 5 other people now, and I'll continue to suggest it. I'm like you, in that I don't want tons of members causing flooding - just a tad more activity to liven this place up a little would be nice. It would just let us do more stuff if we had a bigger regular user base.

That's all.
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