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Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 30
Your question is all I read. So, sorry if I missed anything.
God, the creator of all things can create freewill.
For Gods existence to be proven logically in this case, you must source the text.
"God Is love" for example.
"We are made in his image...and likeness"
therefore, as we have figured out by now. Nothing really loves you, desires to please you, and wishes to be with you forever unless you allow it to love you, freely. (by its own choice) Forced love or love devrived from pressure rarely is true in this sense. We all, for some reason, desire to be loved for exactly who we are on any given day. To be noticed and admired by that woman or man in such a way that all other needs for love are overpowered by that person.
Since we will believe that we are made in his image, we therefore have simliar desires at our core to love God freely as he makes himself known over our lifetime. Also, to recieve love like our creator desires to recieve love. Freely, by 100% choice. I, myself, don't feel right with someone loving me out of fear that I will leave them, hurt them...etc.
God created free will. Free will is a good and perfect thing when used properly. "Every good and perfect thing comes from the Lord".
On another note, I don't believe in sin as truth. It might exist, but it's existence is a complete fabrication of things that were not supposed to be. Lies, and the father of them. If sin is not of God, it is of nemisis.
Again, proven by our daily lives. I feel it daily. The feeling of "thats not right", "thats not supposed to happen", "thats terrible", "I wish this or that would have never happened". EVERYONE does this. If it's a mother losing a child, a friend being murdered, loved one breaking your heart, or someone or something stealing from you. We all feel the same things. We ALL don't want these to happen, and when they do, we HATE and despise their existence.
In my mind , it is a result of something perfect inside of us that rejects these "realities" that only exist because of something wrong happening. It is a under-thought reaction that should always be investigated to furture make God, his existence, and his desires more real to the individual. It is a self-relevant truth that only does one harm to deny. But do as you please. When something is as universal as these hurt feelings and improper, harsh realities, there has to be something wrong with them as a whole. Logically, there has to be something entirely perfect, true, just and loving to balance it out. It is also the deductive origin of the countering feeling that rises when the "bad" things happen in our lives. The feeling of bad things having no place in life and the deep desire for them not to exist and to never have happened.
Certain 'truths' are only truths because of sin(or lies leading a person to act improperly...i.e. murder, cheating, stealing) created them. But knowing its root cause, you can no longer call it a 'truth', at least for yourself. I feel this is a big root to the "Freedom from Sin" discussed in Paul's letters in the New Testament.
Free Will, is the best thing that has ever happened. How else would a God that is the entire idea of Love find love? Furthermore, how would we find real love if it were not free? Its price is...unmeasureable. Its perfect versions (as described in Corinthians) i.e Love is Patient, Love is Kind, Gentle, Not Concited, Does not harm, envy...etc. these versions describe love acting perfectly, and never failing or hurting the user and the reciever. Now why is that so hard to accept? Don't we all want that? Isnt that the content of most music? Wanting, experiencing, or losing that very thing or idea.
How can you put a price on the wishes, hopes and dreams of 80% of music to date? Both instrumental and lyrically based, They were all written out of love for something. A woman, a relationship, a God, a child, an idea.
Something so priceless, could never be afforded or earned by anyone. Rich or Poor. That is why it's.
Many don't recognize the consistency of the story of Christ compared to the entire actions of God in the Old Testament. The entire Bible is often mistook for certain thing. Overall, it is a consistent, unceasing collection of a Creator rescuing his creation. Out of pure, simple and complex Love.