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Old 06-02-2011, 09:02 PM   #1 (permalink)
Mr November
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Just a few notes.

I don't really remember now, but I'm pretty sure oj is right. The Bible doesn't mention homosexuality being wrong except for in a few cases, and it isn't any bigger a deal than some other minor stuff.

The Bible is kind of weird like that when you compare it to peoples perception of it. In fact, for example, the Bible doesn't condone marriage... it only says that if you're going to have sex (which you apparently shouldn't) it's not as bad if you are married...

And just a note about me capitalizing God. I do that because it's the name of the god of the Bible. God is specific; "god" would be just the concept without any specific religion attached as long as it was monotheistic. If there was more than one god it would of course be gods.

I capitalize the names of lots of things that I don't believe are real. Harry Potter, Gandalf, Zeus, Thor... it doesn't mean I have a belief in these things, I just have an on/off respect for the english language.
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