Originally Posted by Vanilla
I fully support gay people and am always torn about whether its allowed by God or not. Personally I think it has to be, it seems to me people are born with it, little children show signs of being gay even! God created us to be imperfect.
The bible says nothing about homosexuality. It is equated to masturbation and sex with a woman on her period. It is deemed useless as sperm (or the possibility of life from said sperm) is lost.
Originally Posted by Vanilla
I'm no theologist, but if you commit a crime such as murder and hate crimes, and do not have God in your heart there is no way you will get into Heaven or be cleansed etc. I'm not entirely sure about reformed murderers etc, but the consensus is that God will look back on an individuals life, weigh up how they behaved, treated others and whether they had any love in their hearts and determine if they deserve an all access pass to heaven or not.
According to the bible, if the murderer repents on his death bed then he will be saved and go to heaven. But on the inverse, if a righteous man does good deeds his entire life, but does not accept God into his heart (either via refusal, never being exposed to the religion, etc), he will burn in hell.
Originally Posted by Vanilla
You can argue that free-will is really predestined, but God knows all of us so well that he can pin point we will make certain decisions over others.
Not really. The idea of free will is the complete antitheses of the the Calvinistic version of predestination as most view it. I think you're hitting on what I said earlier. Is it really free will if God supposedly designed it and forced it upon us?
Originally Posted by The Virgin
red is a primary color. but if you mix it with blue it becomes purple; with green it becomes brown; with yellow it becomes red; etc.
same as with free will, it's given by God pure and clean. it's up to has what things we want to mix it with to produce an outcome.
That is a complete cop-out, and you're entirely missing my point. It is not free will if we had no choice in the matter, and God forced it upon us. It's really a secondary, more philisophical issue than the matter at hand. You can't force free will upon someone, beacuse once you do, it ceases to be FREE will, see what I'm saying?
Originally Posted by The Virgin
As I've previously mentioned, God loves ALL OF US. No matter, who or what or where we are, no matter what we do in life, no matter what. When we all die, each one of us will have that heavenly oppurtunity to meet Him. And as you approach Him, He'll smile at you and simply say "I Know My Child, I Know".
This is just your belief. One amongst many others
Originally Posted by Vanilla
How can you say it's a misconception when you haven't died, faced God himself and gone through the process?
It's no more far-fetched than any other religious belief.
Originally Posted by Vanilla
There's no way in hell (parden the pun), God will just let someone into Heaven who have been wicked and evil (following the ways of the Devil) because they randomly repented at the end. It's down to whether they have actually accepted God and are honestly wanting to change. Even then who knows. No one does, it's down to God.
Actually, that is how it works. Honesty is relative. I'm sure that someone facing death honestly does not want to burn in hell, so who is to say that they don't mean it?