Music Banter - View Single Post - Fat People - A Burden On The State?
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Old 06-02-2011, 03:40 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Dirty View Post
Obese people who can't work and claim disability are huge burdens to all of society. I don't think they should be provided any more beneifts than your average person. It is their choice to live that type of lifestyle and shouldn't be rewarded with disability money for being fat and lazy.

Fat family claims disability

This country hands out disability checks like hotcakes it seems. Seems to me like it's way too easy to claim disability for just about anything. Hell, I think Paloma could claim disability if she wanted (what a joke). It promotes being lazy and worthless to society and I don't like it. Taxpayers basically pay for some obese loser to eat themselves to death. I don't want to hear any bullshit excuses from fat people either about their genetics or hereditary obesity or whatever. Christ, you don't even have to exercise, just eat at a calorie deficit everyday. You won't look like a supermodel but at least you won't be morbidly obese. I want to be clear that I don't personally hate these people and feel for them and their families if and when they become sick, but it's a joke that they get paid for being fat. Stop paying them, and they can either be responsible human beings and change their eating habits or they can become poor and die.
It is possible for it to be caused by genetics, though, sir.
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