Originally Posted by oojay
I guess what I was getting at is that free will can't be given. Once it is given, it is no longer free will because it is forced upon us.
red is a primary color. but if you mix it with blue it becomes purple; with green it becomes brown; with yellow it becomes red; etc.
same as with free will, it's given by God pure and clean. it's up to has what things we want to mix it with to produce an outcome.
Originally Posted by Ian E Coleman
@ The Virgin
I don't believe in God, so a lot of what you've said doesn't really make sense to me. I was raised Catholic so it's not the first time I'm hearing any of what you're saying.
i know you believe in God. The fact that you capitalized the letter G when mentioning Him is proof enough. Don't worry, even the faintest belief from His children makes HIM smile.
Originally Posted by Ian E Coleman
I just find that the majority, if not all, of these responses ignore the question rather than address it.
of course, most members here rather goof off and talk about sex and stuff than God.
Originally Posted by Vanilla

On an off topic: The Virgin, do you believe God will accept you into his heart as a gay person?
Disclaimer: I fully support gay people and am always torn about whether its allowed by God or not. Personally I think it has to be, it seems to me people are born with it, little children show signs of being gay even! God created us to be imperfect.
As I've previously mentioned, God loves ALL OF US. No matter, who or what or where we are, no matter what we do in life, no matter what. When we all die, each one of us will have that heavenly oppurtunity to meet Him. And as you approach Him, He'll smile at you and simply say "I Know My Child, I Know".
Originally Posted by Ian E Coleman
I think the idea is that destiny is a purpose that God would have for you. A role that He wants you to fulfil and that He's supposed to give you the tools to succeed in. So yes, Hitler would have strayed from the path. I'm not sure what the Catholic Church's position on people who don't belong to Catholic Church is either. It used to be that you would go to Hell if you weren't Catholic, then it was that you your soul would just be obliterated, and some even say you would still get to go to heaven if you were a good person.
And what if you were never told about the Bible or anything? Well then I think you're supposed to not be accountable and you would just be obliterated (your soul that is).
I don't think the Catholic church has Limbo anymore (this is where they used to say that children who died in birth went for example). But I think they decided to get rid of that (much to the pain of mothers who had believed for decades that this was where their child had gone).
The Bible wasn't written at a time when mental illness for example was understood. It was often misunderstood that the person was under the possession of the devil or something. Back then they would have said the person was responsible and accountable for their actions (and so the circumstances of the rest of their eternity would be dictated by them).
Now I'm not sure what the newest beliefs are. I doubt it's the same... normally you get a none answer like that only God can make that judgment. I also find that most of my Catholic family don't actually know what the Catholic church's stance is on these things...
out of all the posters in this thread, you're the sanest.