Originally Posted by The Virgin
Yes. God is capable of giving humans free will.
This sort of begs the question: Is it truly free will if it must be GIVEN to us, and not inherently a part of us to begin with?
Originally Posted by The Virgin
God creates us humans full of imperfections and flaws and that's what makes us perfect in HIS eyes. That's what also makes the world interesting and beautiful.
This is completely contradictory to the Bible, which says that God is perfect. It also says the we are created in his image and likeness. How can we be imperfect if he is perfect, yet we are created in his image?
Originally Posted by The Virgin
But because He loves us all, He dies on the cross to save all of us from eternal hell.
If he died to save us all from Hell, then why do our actions matter? How can our bad behavior send us to Hell if he already died to save us?