Originally Posted by Freebase Dali
"playing out as he knows" and "the little ants still making their own choices" are two different things. I can give a rat free will to traverse a maze I built for him, knowing the only way out, but that doesn't necessarily mean that I'm making the rat's choices for it.
(But I have still built the cage...)
What should really be examined is that free will is, according to religion, only a two way street. In one hand, the choices you make will lead to damnation, and in the other, will lead to salvation. To me, the free will portion of this sort of choice is rigged. You can either obey the will of god, and go to heaven... or disobey, and spend eternity in hell. So in effect, what we (according to religion) have is simply the free will to decide whether we want to be rewarded, or punished. I suspect most folks would consider that a rigged game.
I suspect that most folks would consider that a scenario of "free to do what you want, but you'll suffer by not doing what I want you to do."

You bring up a good point. The game is rigged. You have the free will to disobey god and go to hell but upon further examination. Christians also believe in "second chances" So you can go around doing whatever you want and sinning but as soon as you choose to accept him as your savoir then you are saved and this can occur on your death bed when you are about to die in like say the next five mins and technically you are supposed to be able to go to heaven.
You can be the most evil person and do whatever the hell you want but just make sure you repent a few mins before you die and you are gravy!