Originally Posted by djchameleon
I'm going to put you on the spot a little bit.
State your cases for hating those two genres.
I'm just curious it's fine for you to hate them but I just would like to hear the reasons for those two specifically.
Perhaps hate is too strong a word but personally I've never been interested in rap and hip/hop. The music itself in the genre always seems a little simple and not very original. The music to my ears alway seems to be there to serve the lyrics, which are not always that good either. Granted I don't listen to a lot of it and therefore my views may have been tainted a little by some poor experiences with the genre.
As for Metal there tends to be a lot of poor melodies and quite derivative music. A fair amount seems to be just braindead noisemaking, without much originality or subtlety. Again I don't listen to a lot so I have an open mind if anyone wishes to change my opinion.