Music Banter - View Single Post - Baby Peter - Sharon Shoesmith wins appeal
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Old 05-27-2011, 01:44 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Baby Peter - Sharon Shoesmith wins appeal

BBC News - Sharon Shoesmith sacking: Baby Peter director wins appeal

This is disgusting to me. How the fúck has she won her appeal? Here is a woman who was paid £130,000 a year to run a department that over an 8 month period made 60 visits to his house, but still failed to see the abuse that ultimately led to him being found murdered by his mother and her boyfriend.

For those who dont know, Peter Connolly was a 1 year old child who was found dead in 2007 from injuries sustained at the hands of his mother Tracey Connolly and her boyfriend Steven Barker, including a broken back and cracked ribs. You can read the full timeline of the story here.

The whole story makes me genuinely angry, how a mother could allow her child to be treated how Peter was treated upsets me. And to see the head of the department win her appeal, despite their failure to see the amount of abuse this child recieved, makes me sick.
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