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Old 05-25-2011, 04:20 AM   #404 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by adidasss View Post

I saw them just before Merriwhether came out and I thought they were great. Although they played in a very small venue, dunno how they translate into an open air setting. :\ I'm seeing them again next month, totally psyched...(:
Well now. Sorry to say that I've been to the gig last night and can confirm their ultimate suckage. I can safely say this was the worst gig of a band I listen to and love I've ever been to. I walked out in the middle of the encore. Could've walked out halfway through the gig, I was so bored and unineterested in the things they were doing.

They played literally 2 or 3 songs I knew and managed to completely destroy them. There was absolutely no flow to the gig, every time a song ended I had a feeling they were doing a sound check with some lame background music. The new material is godawful and Panda Bear (which for me was the pop anchor of the group) was practically invisible. Naturally and sadly, he didn't play anything from Tomboy.

Utter destruction of sound, complete violation of everything that made them a great pop band.

I blame the return of Deakin.
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