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Old 08-12-2005, 05:44 PM   #58 (permalink)
Queen Of Hearts
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Originally Posted by adidasss
hmm...i think you're being way too easy in this argument,check this out: the UN inspectors were supposed to do the inspection yet the united states decided to go forth with the invasion despite there being no aproval from the security council thus making the war illegal by international, the UN so needs to be dismanteled, it really has no purpose, as i have witnessed first hand during the war in Croatia and their supposed peace keeping mission....please......

No country has to wait for the UN before they do anything. Also the US is one of the powerful out of any of the countries in the UN and they are the top contributers ($$$) to the UN........ so they are, and have not, going to do anything about it.
Somewhere in Texas a village is missing their idiot.

HAHAHA.......... I don't get it.
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