Livin up to your username I see, nice! Lol, no seriously I just figured you were a guy who liked to get bombed, but I didn't realize you were literally drinking to excess like every day. You can do it, just keep your priorities in the front of your mind and man up and do what you gotta do.
I think a problem with a lot of problems of disabilities or whatever is that people start looking at themselves as a victim and it never gets any better cause they feel sorry for themselves and go back to the same bad habit or making excuses. For some reason I can't wrap my head around alcoholism as a disease. I know people get dependant on it and it's bad for them in these insane amounts, but i just can't wrap my head around how it could be that addictive, probably because i consider myself your average college-aged drinker (every weekend, sometimes wednesday or thursday) and i don't consider myself addicted.