Originally Posted by Burning Down
I'm assuming that pooka actually is some kind of drug counsellor, but the things she was saying about people who use drugs and/or drink a lot was, in my opinion, a little bit unprofessional. It's as if she was treating it all like a joke or something.
I still have that problem myself with treating my alcoholism as a joke. Even though it should be something taken seriously... I tend to find drunken beligerent behavior very comical. Whether its mine or someone elses. Even episodes that shouldnt be in the least bit funny..I convince myself they are as a way to keep from admitting to myself how serious the problem is.
Originally Posted by Ilistentomusic
Last year during the month of June I didn't have one drink the whole time! Felt good. I drank Memorial day weekend, and then I wound up drinking 4th of July weekend (go figure). But in between I didn't touch beer, wine, hard alcohol, or anything else. It is awesome to wake up day after day with no hangover. Plus it helps you lose weight to not drink.
I know what you mean ..after a while you forget what its like to feel normal. Your so use to being somewhat hungover that it becomes the norm for you.