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Old 05-08-2011, 10:11 AM   #869 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
Partying on the inside
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Originally Posted by djchameleon View Post
I think that would be described as psychopathic tendencies.

I picture Freebase sometimes like Christian Bale in American Psycho. Very clean and neat type person with an apartment that has a cold empty feeling to it like no one really lives there. No warmth to it.

No, I'm not taking potshots. You can ask Jeremy. I have mentioned that to him before. This is about the third time. I think I asked him about it in the MB cribs thread or somewhere. This feeling about him being that way, isn't a new feeling. I'm not trying to insult him or take a "potshot" at him.

If he feels that way then I apologize but if he remembers correctly we have talked about it in the past.

No need to come to his rescue when he doesn't need saving.
Wow... strangely enough, I know exactly where you got this from. It's based off something (on ONE occasion) I said in that thread about my apartment being so clean and orderly that people would think I was a serial killer. Regardless of whether that was a joke or not, it's still the absolutely only thing you based that entire opinion of me on... seeing as how I have never posted any pictures of my place, apart from my computer desk. Way to run with the evidence, buddy. Good to know that people like you can literally be told what to think.

Originally Posted by s_k View Post
Well, I really can't see any.
In my eyes you just said I am only friendly for a reason and that I am a lazy ass mofo that doesn't even want to work. There wasn't even the usual "I don't dislike you, but". You just said it, like that. And that's all you really said. So... if you excuse me; WHAT tact are you talking about exactly?
Are you delusional? I never said you were a lazy mofo that doesn't even want to work. Never even hinted at it. Perhaps you should do another run-through of the conversation. Maybe someone else posted that and you're confusing them with me? Let us know when you get it figured out.

I don't think I'll be able to do that open minded anymore, really.
I believe you when you say it wasn't a job issue, but that perhaps make stuff worse. In that case you say that I just 'try to get away with autism as a reason for the stuff I do'. Sort of spans my whole character, not even job-wise...
I simply said it seems like you use your Autism as an excuse for your mistakes... as though you're inherently incapable of error, but for the disability. That's just the vibe I get from your posts. If you can't handle someone getting that vibe, then I don't know what to tell you... perhaps you should stop posting.

And how can you tell That I'm a great guy but not mention that in a posting in which you kick me right in the face? I mean sure, if you said 'these are his downsides', it'd be a different story. But you just pointed out these two things and you really make it sound like that's my entire personality, like there's nothing more at all.
I'm not sure if you realize this, but I'm intelligent enough to know that I don't know everything about you, thus, I'm not making the claim that I do. I simply made some observations and commented on them. I know there's more to you than you share on the forums, and many of them are probably good things for all I know. But that doesn't invalidate what I think of what you've shown me. It's not something you can try to rationalize away from me. Just deal with it.

Hmmm, I recognize aspergers pretty good, usually and I didn't think he'd have aspergers. But now you mention the coldness, yes. He just writes it down there without looking back or thinking about the tone or emotion.
Nevertheless, I'm not sure if he has aspergers. I still don't think so, but I do see your point.
I had my doubts about Freebase in the very beginning. I should admit this definitely had something to do with his profession, so I figured I'd just try and be open minded and I actually started to like the guy. And then he writes down something like this .
If I have Asperger's, then I'm unaware of it. I think do have a bit of a social anxiety disorder, but I haven't been diagnosed or anything. I don't think it would cause me to be any less of a person, or excuse me in any way. If you're wondering, no, I don't go around and tell people to their faces what I really think about them. This thread is the only place I've ever done that. It's quite therapeutic, if you ask me, but I do realize that it's a bit selfish of me. That's why I'd ask that if there are people who can't handle others thinking negatively of them, then they should not enter this thread. This thread is not supposed to be an orgy of ass-kissing. I apologize if people got that idea from the orgies of ass-kissing that have been going on in here for a while.
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