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Old 05-07-2011, 09:17 PM   #3785 (permalink)
Killed Laura Palmer
ThePhanastasio's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Ashland, KY
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No, acid isn't lethal in recreational doses, perhaps not even in high doses. From my reading, I've been able to find only one death which may have been the drug itself, and it was someone who shot up liquid, and may have been on numerous other substances as well.

I've known many, many people to take strips before concerts (10 hits) and quite a few people who take in excess of that.

Also, (possibly?) interesting anecdote: A good friend of mine is really deeply involved with the Grateful Dead "family", and on numerous occasions has been to a residence in the northeastern US where they synthesize LSD and prepare it as blotter and liquid for distribution. One of the...maybe hazing is the word?...rituals or whatever that they have people do prior to joining this branch of the family is a "thumbprint". Basically, that entails licking your thumb and dipping it into pure, crystal LSD then putting it back in your mouth. At this point, as LSD is active in such small doses (micrograms), they have taken so much acid that it really is no longer even measured in hits. It would be in the thousands, though.

And strangely, he's witnessed this ritual twice, and it apparently led to no lasting damage for the participants. He didn't do it himself, though - didn't want to risk it. I wouldn't either.

It's a hand-me-down, the thoughts are broken
Perhaps they're better left unsung
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