It's really odd with me regarding alcohol. Nobody in my immediate family or either of my parents relatives drinks much at all apart from one uncle but I have been drinking since I was 16. I usually drink around five nights out of seven but I have never lost a days work because of it, got into any trouble either within a social environment or with the authorities. I very very rarely drink before 9 pm (unless it's a weekend away going to gigs etc) and don't get the urge to drink before then at all.
On the flipside I can barely manage 2 nights in a row without drinking and on nights that I don't have a few drinks I find that I don't sleep well at all. I very rarely buy spirits because I will drink them ASAP and find it impossible to make them last. Oddly again though I cannot just have one or two drinks and leave it at that. I would rather not drink at all and wait until I have more in the house or enough money in my pocket.
Of course I do some dumb crap when I have had a few drinks (who doesn't?) but even though I have been drinking for 23 years I still feel in relative control of my drinking.
Boozin you certainly sound like you have a problem if you are putting that amount away all the time but I am not judging you at all, far from it. I use drinking as a sort of emotional crutch and feel much better having a few drinks (generally) but if you are consuming that amount then something is certainly not right with you.
I hope you get to the root of the problem (if that's how you see it these days) and wish you all the best.
“A cynic by experience, a romantic by inclination and now a hero by necessity.”