Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
It's quite clear that some people can't handle this thread. I think perhaps this thread could do with an opt out clause.
I'm sorry mate, but it's the other way around.
Even in this thread there's things you shouldn't want to say.
I think that when you pick the right subject, you can make everyone react like I do. You just have to hit the right subject.
Originally Posted by Il Duce
I tend to agree somewhat with Freebase about the disability making work impossible
both dj and me are paranoid schizophrenics and we both hold jobs, i dunno much about autism, but judging from your posts, I don't think employers wouldn't keep you
They don't. It's that simple. Why wouldn't you believe me when I say they don't?
Read in the introduction topic, I replied to Sara's posting.
As far as Freebase goes; Are you repared to not reply to my postings unless it's absolutely necessary (for moderation reasons or whatever).
I don't see you reviewing your afwul thoughts about me, so I think we're better of just not talking to eachother untill either you change your mind, or I get a job and have to admit you were right.