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Thread: Your Day
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Old 05-07-2011, 07:17 AM   #15823 (permalink)
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 13

I suppose it's technically "day over" since it was yesterday and it's six:twelve in the morning here but I haven't slept yet. I won't. Unless I go into a coma with Alison Lohman's voice. My day, no sleep at all, I took my meds and then cleaned the entire kitchen because it's really disturbing when you cook and ****ing planet of the apes are on your ass. My roommate did not work like he said he was going to, so cancelled plans with a friend to come over. Stared at my '32 galore turned off television. So I went for a walk, I left, and realised Nick Cave, your voice welcomes rain. And I'm walking.
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