s_k, i read your intro thread as well as your 'goodbye post' here. I'm just gonna be real with you here and tell you to quit being such an internet pussy. Holy hell, some people here hate me and not only do I not mind, I actually enjoy it. You know that not everyone is gonna like you, just get over it. Say what you wanna say and leave it at that. I told you how many times that all I can possibly know of you is how you come across on MB and that i don't know you in real life. I'm not gonna apologize for questioning whether or not you were lazy for living off government assistance for a 'disability.' You don't seem like someone who couldn't hold some sort of job, and you explained your job situation and that was the end of it. I mean I don't hate you even though you do creep me out. But why even give a shit what I think anyways, im just another internet stranger. This all boils down to me trying to tell you to get some tougher skin and learn to take a few punches here and there. FBD is kinda right, you're a dude who needs to feel liked and you leaving is a example of that. You know that not everyone hates you and now you're gonna say you're leaving so people beg you to stick around. Cmon man quit being so super sensitive over internet posts.
djchameleon, i think FBD's original post about you was pretty accurate. I do like you and we talk a good bit, but the over-the-top alpha male stuff is a little much. Ive never really conidered your posts extra blunt or more witty than anyone elses *shrug*. the whole humor thing doesn't really make sense to me either, hardly any of them look anything like jokes. FBD is probably right that you over compensate how manly you are on here since you aren't in real life. Whatever, i don't have much beef with you but i do agree with what FBD says. Feel free to respond with attitude.
tumor, this is for whenever you're back. I used to think you were funnier. Now I see less funny and more stupidity in your posts and shoutbox messages. Just dropping racial slurs for no reason is just plain stupid to me. you used to think i was annoyed by you and i really never was til recently. bring back the lolz please. cosigned by all of MB.
rezz, we hardly ever directly talk. actually never. and i may have made a post similiar to this before but i dont care. You crack me up a good bit with short interjecting posts. i can't think of an example, but you make me laugh more than most people
paloma - everyone knows i hate her, but somehow there was no doubt in my mind she would be one of those americans who instead of celebrating the death of Bin Laden, spent time faulting other americans for being happy about it. I knew that's how you'd be about it, and I think you're one of those people that absolutely loves going against the majority. Maybe deep down it makes you feel cool to be in the minority, like you're somehow seeing something that the majority isn't... and I dislike those types of people. Of course even if it was the case, you'd never admit it and we already have a mutual dislike so i'll stop typing now.
loselipssinkships - I don't really know much about you. I know you banned yourself and came back and that's about it. Cut out the self-depravating posts, half of the stuff you say in the shoutbox is about how much of an idiot you are. Not sure if you want people to jump in and make you feel good by saying how awesome you are instead, but i dont get why you are so down on yourself
dirty - im out