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Old 05-06-2011, 07:01 PM   #843 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
Partying on the inside
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Originally Posted by s_k View Post
Well allright, I might cause some trouble here but I'm going to say it anyhow.
I just got some really very nice PM's from three different persons in no time. I was amazed by that because I am in fact a very pessimistic person and the negative stuff weighs so much heavier on me.
Keep the bold part in mind while you read the rest of my replies below.

The reason I cannot keep a job is because there's always one or another shallow guy like you amongst the team of bosses who cannot accept me for what I am, cannot see my good sides but just the bad sides. Who cannot just say 'Stijn is who Stijn is, we should learn to live with hem'. All they see is 'he's different, he's weird'.

The whole reason I cannot keep a job is because at any job there's at least one person who cannot or does not want to understand me. This ****s up my jobs. I'm not saying I'm an easy one to live with, but I sure as hell can tell you that the reason stuff goes wrong for me usually depends on one person who, for a reason they often don't even understand themselves, rather see me gone.

I might be the one who differs, but it's still ****ing society that's making it impossible for me to have a proper job, not me.
This part of your post has totally destroyed any lingering faith I had in your understanding of the world around you. Do you actually think that society, jobs, and employees are supposed to cater themselves to YOUR personal opinions and perspectives? If so, mystery solved. You can't keep a job (or function properly in society) because of the bold part you posted above. It has nothing to do with society, the job itself, or the people working and living there along side you. The fact that you posted what you just posted and still can't see the absolutely glaring finger you just pointed at yourself is beyond me. If there is one thing I don't understand about you, is how you don't understand that.

So, Freebase. Long story short; You are apparently not able to see through my somewhat strange appearance. Well that's fine. I cannot help that and neither can you. But you haven't got a clue what you're talking about and you probably really should keep your mouth shut as you're only making it hard for me here, even though you could just not read my postings or whatever. It's not like I've ever done anything to annoy you in particular or something.
Not sure what you mean by "strange appearance". I think you're a perfectly normal-looking, and dare I say handsome, guy. I even really enjoy your personality and humor on your videos. Your only hangup is that you seem to think the world should bend to your liking and regard you the way you want to be regarded. I'm having a hard time understanding why you don't see how unrealistic and misguided that is. You say I don't have a clue, but what's funny is the fact that your main grief is absolutely about how others see you, yet you choose to accept only those viewpoints that paint you in a positive light. Does that seem normal to you?

And sure as hell I cannot stand when people think negatively about me.
How do you think my life has been so far? Don't you think I've had quite enough negativity? You bet your ass I've had enough of that.

So ffs if you don't like me ****ing ignore me or just tell me to **** off if you don't like me. But stop analyzing my personality because you don't know **** about what I was like, how I've become and what I've went through so far.
If you can't stand that people think negatively of you, then you're in for a long, pissed off ride through life.
Also, I never said I don't like you. I simply decided to express my personal opinion about your character that I think you've presented. I don't need to know anything about your personal life to do this. I simply see what you put out there, and make decisions about what it means to me. Strangely enough, this is exactly what all of society does when you interact with them. If you can't get used to that fact, then the problem is not with everyone else. It's with you.
I'd really like to think you don't actually believe you're the golden standard for how society aught to think and behave...

@ Pedestrian: There's nothing indicative about me being hurt. How would you feel if you had to fight a handicap for your entire life, and then have people telling you you're taking advantage of it?
And I'm not going to take time off, I'm going to stay or go. The only reason I haven't gone yet is that I got these nice PM's. I really already had written my farewell posting. I think I still will though. Freebase is very very wrong and he already got quite some support. So I don't think this is the place for me.
If you find a forum (or society, for that matter) whose every member agrees with everything you say and sees you as the true person you are and loves it, then please... let us all know. Although I don't think many of us will be crossing our fingers...
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