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Old 05-06-2011, 06:14 PM   #840 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by right-track View Post

I was going to make a long list of what it is I think of MB members, but then I realised I'd probably only include the members who've been here for years due to the fact that the personalities of the latest batch are below my radar as I don't pay as much notice to this place as I once did.

It would serve me better would I spill my guts about what I thought about MB today compared to how it used to be.

But then I'd have to leave!
Probably the same with myself but do you think it's an age thing where you have a slight case of egotism (warranted or not)?

I certainly do. You can't help but feel this way. Just like your dad turned around to you at 15 and said- u don't know **** son.

I thought he was talking bollocks but of course he was right and I feel like that with the forum but it is probably me who has changed and not the people frequenting it.

That doesn't excuse the sheer amount of tools I have come across on MB though!

“A cynic by experience, a romantic by inclination and now a hero by necessity.”
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