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Old 05-06-2011, 04:52 PM   #829 (permalink)
CHCl3's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 217

Originally Posted by Vanilla View Post
DJ: FYI: I came to music banter to discover NEW music, and gain a better taste in sound. I.e. I listened to rubbish when I first joined. Just because you're a so called 'veteran' doesn't mean you have applied this concept. Infact I see very little of you expanding yourself in music threads. Rap and pop are not the only two genres in the world.

I'm saying this to benefit you, at the end of the day you will be the one giddy with excitement from discovering a new band etc and that you joining mb was more than just a SOCIAL PLATFORM.
Or maybe dj has listened to the music that the rest of you have given him and decides that he still likes rap & pop. I haven't liked every single recommendation that has come across my way.
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