I can not totally hate U2, since they wrote one of the best rock songs of all-time.
That is about the extent of my U2 Love though, a few songs I like, but that is the only U2 song I love, for it is brilliant.
Another one I need to add to my list, may be controversial to some ears.. but here it goes...
The Doors.
I can not stand them, find nothing of value to them. They just bore me to tears every time I listen to them. Jim Morrison is one guy I never understood the whole rock martyr thing. He to me is no more special than one of those homeless schizos on the street who rant on about the end of the world. Morrison to me is just one of those people who stumbled into a studio one day and started singing into a mic and they decided to keep him in the band because it was kinda fun to watch the self destruction.
"I hope that someday we will be able to put away our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people." - Jack Handey.