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Old 05-03-2011, 06:50 AM   #2 (permalink)
Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra
\/ GOD
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One that isn't sarcastic(hopefully):

Dankstra - By far my favorite moderator/member of the forum. Always polite, never flustered, or angry. Amazing taste in music, and an amazing catalogue. Single hadidly keeps the much under-appreciated 'Avant-Garde' forum living, and breathing. Also, has peaked my interest looking into surrealist film.

JackPat - I consider my spiritual 'noob' friend on these forums. He joined quite a bit after me, but I always felt that when we started sort of noticing each other, it was around the same time, and neither of us were well established, or acquainted with the forum. Very good taste in music, and very much exploring the same eras of avant prog that I am, so always a good discussion.

Janzsoon - Probably the first member/moderator to recognise I even exist. Amazingly good taste in music, open minded, honest, frank, and hilarious. He tends to bruise other people's egos at times, so people think he's some sort of grumpy prick. I don't see that at all, I just see him as somebody who will be brutally when brutal is needed. Another reason I'm big on him.

Tore - Nicest guy in the world. I can't say a single bad thing about Tore. Excellent taste in music, and probably one of the easiest guys to talk to. Plus, I'm amazed at his encyclopaedic knowledge of 'atmospheric horror' films. Wish the prog club could have kept going, because it would have allowed me to explore more acts discovered like Comus, Mike Oldfield, and Gentle Giant(all 3 are now indispensable to my collection) still, I'm massively thankful for his dedication to keep it alive.

TheUglyOrgan - love this kid. Very open minded, nice, funny. Very easy to talk to, polite, kind. Very good with stories, and has a lot of interesting things to say about his life.

Dayvan Cowboy - astounding taste in music. If she gets into making music, there's no way she's not going to be a prodigy. Being as young as she is, and already understanding the intricacies of avant-garde progressive rock. Plus, a fan of Zorn, is a fan of mine.

Conan - nice guy, good mod, great arguer. By far one of the top members of this forum. Seems a bit invisible lately, though. I see him every once in awhile post something official mod business, or whatever. See him way to little around anymore, saddens me a tad.

Engine - Fun guy to argue politics with, and has a very wide taste in music. Some really similar, some not. Sort of an overlooked member on these forums.

Tumor - I like Tumor. I don't like her appreciation for Trollish humor, and barely know/correlate with her music tastes. But, I can appreciate the morbid humor, and the semi-pissed off, but not really attitude. one of the more fun members to talk with.

DJ Chameleon - Talk to him all the time. Really easy guy to talk to. Very open, and honest. Music tastes are like the sun, and moon with me, but still always fun discussing music with the guy. Does whatever he can to keep the social atmosphere at musicbanter alive, and deserves worlds of credit for it.

[b]RezZ[b] - Just a really awesome metalhead. Appreciated some of the 'Bondage Fruit' I sent to him which gains him a million cool points in my book. Very interesting, fun, awesome guy to talk to.

James - You know, I don't really know whether this guy likes me, or ****ing hates me. He's always given off missed signals on that front, but I can't ever say I don't appreciate James's taste in music, and honesty. Very open minded, and has brought a lot to the table in terms of appreciating things I consider under-appreciated. Sometimes a tad temperamental seeming, but honestly an indispensable member of these forums.

I'll add more if I feel.
Terence Hill, as recently confirmed during an interview to an Italian TV talk-show, was offered the role but rejected it because he considered it "too violent". Dustin Hoffman and John Travolta declined the role for the same reason. When Al Pacino was considered for the role of John Rambo, he turned it down when his request that Rambo be more of a madman was rejected.
Al Pacino = God
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