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Old 05-02-2011, 08:40 PM   #1 (permalink)
Mate, Spawn & Die
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Originally Posted by duga View Post
Janszoon - Though our way of communicating is a bit different, I really feel like we have very similar personalities. I very rarely disagree with you. You are also the expert of one liner responses. Never has so much been said by so little.
Thanks man. It's interesting that you say you think we have very similar personalities because you've always reminded me quite a bit of my brother and I always enjoy reading your posts.

Originally Posted by jackhammer View Post
Janszoon- we are both similar in age, outlook on life, grew up with the same music and still look for new music and ideals way past the age when we should have hung up our slippers and remain set in our ways. I would genuinely love to meet him for a drink.
Absolutely man! If I'm ever in your part of the world or you're ever in mine we need to make this happen.

Originally Posted by MoonlitSunshine View Post
Freebase Dali/Janszoon: Seriously, the only way I can tell you two apart is by your avatars, but I would imagine that's because I really don't post as much as I should! However, both of you have a number of the same characteristics: good mediators, good posters, solid contributors to any thread I've looked in, but also with a slightly sharp sense of humour, happy to poke fun at people in circumstances where it won't aggravate the situation, and often the first people to calm a thread down once it starts going too far.
That's interesting. I wouldn't have thought of it but I can definitely see a certain amount of similarity between myself and Freebase, especially in terms of writing style and sense of humor. Plus I think he's a great guy so I definitely take that as a compliment.

Originally Posted by Vanilla View Post
Last but not least, Janszoon: Giggity. I have this secret crush on lee because he consistently gives the lawls and we team together to be very sly dogs around the board. I might even tell my therapist of my strange affliction towards him.
Heh. I'm flattered to hear that I've reached discussion with therapist levels. Thank you. You do know how to make a guy blush.
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