Originally Posted by Burning Down
Oh yeah, apparently the Dutch love Canadian tourists? I should go there someday.
Seriously? I like all Canadians here I believe.
Originally Posted by djchameleon
The Dutch are now my enemies by association!!
*shakes fist violently to the sky*
Haha, I thought you wanted to visit me some time soon?
Originally Posted by Pedestrian
I actually disagree entirely with the removal of brothels, as they serve to provide a safe environment for working women to do what they're going to do dangerously on the street anyways.
You are 300% right.
Originally Posted by Il Duce
when I think of the Netherlands, only Margo (the girl I met on Friday on the bus) springs to mind
Do you have a surname and any idea in which city she lives?
Originally Posted by The Batlord
You mean like the stinky cheese?! Oh yeah, can't mention cheese. Sorry. I guess people are so obsessed with the Netherlands cause of the weed and hookers that everything of note in the country has already become a stereotype...Oh yeah! Severe Torture is a Dutch death metal band right? That's all I got.
Haha, the stinky Cheese comes from here, too. It tastes a damn lot better than it smells.
It's pretty surreal to see how hookers and drugs seem so interesting to most of you while I don't know much people who do drugs (I have just one friend who regularly does drugs...) and I don't think I know anyone who ever went to see a hooker. Neither of those things is all that common here. I think the tourists see a different The Netherlands than the Dutch do

I never heard of Severe Torture, so I looked it up. And yes, it is.
