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Old 05-01-2011, 07:41 PM   #789 (permalink)
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Join Date: Feb 2008
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Tumor - Great person, she puts up with a lot of my moping and other bullshit. Her taste in music is pretty good, as I know she listens to Rapeman and Jesus Lizard. I just wish she would be a little more positive about things though.

Dayvan Cowboy - Probably one of the coolest 14 year olds ever. She listens to a lot of the experimental stuff I get into, and is just a cool person in general. It's just sometimes I wish I could ruffle her head and tell her to perk up.

Ethan - Probably one of the coolest people on the board. I miss him so much and wish he would come back. I talk to him sometimes on AIM and he seems to be doing well, but we don't share much in common musically these days other than Iron & Wine and Nick Drake.

Sweet Nothing - Probably one of the First friends I made on this site, he was and still is pretty awesome. I used to give him music on his birthday and he'd do the same for me (god, I miss that). Please come back Kenny!

WolverineWeiselWolfPigeon - Coolest chick on the west coast. We've texted each other for awhile and she's grown to be one of my best friends online. We don't talk as much these days because she has a job and is just busy with life, but I wish she would just come back to MB once and awhile.

Dreadnaught - Man, I had fun talking with her back in the day. She was Awesome! I feel like I messed up somewhere and we sort of became a little bit hostile to each other. I think I left once for awhile because I got pissed at her for some reason or another, but I can't remember. HA!

Awwsugar - Again, another thing I messed up. She's pretty cool and can sing and play guitar too! I don't think I see her on MB as much as I used to, but she's probably busy with other things.

Dayna - Man, you might as well call her the Queen of MB. Tough as shit, opinionated, and just doesn't give a fuck. She will call you out on your bullshit and make you feel like an utter fool. She is a nice person though, as well as an avid reader. She gave me some book recommendations awhile back and I found those books as pretty good reads.

Vanilla - Hmmm, I'm not sure what to say about her, but she does seem pretty experienced in some areas. She seems like an awesome mod and the added estrogen to the mod team sure did balance things out.

More to come, a lot more.
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