Originally Posted by SOTYrocks!
geeessss i did NOT say apperance and culture are even remotely the same thing. and you should get to no someone before you make the slightest judgment of the person. i never said i was afraid of judgment. i have a really good friend who gets harrased just because she is a quiet to herself person. i dont like to see her suffer.

Uh look dude, I'm not saying that it's a GOOD way to judge people, I'm just saying it's how people work out who they want to get to know, and who they don't. They don't even do it knowingly, they do it subconsciously most of the time.
I'm not making it up, it's the truth. We all judge people by what they wear every day.
Yes, you're right, before you make judgements about people, you should get to know them first - but if your subconscious brain thinks different, then there is not a lot you can do about it apart from maybe accept it and get on with your life.