Originally Posted by s_k
Can someone tell me what they think of when they think about the Netherlands?
You cannot pick:
- Windmills (we do have those a lot, yes)Clogs
- Cheese (we love our cheese and we do know how to make it!)
- Drugs (it's legal but it's not common to use them, like people seem to think  )
- Wooden shoes (almost no one wears them)
- Tulips (they're not even dutch, ffs).
Just curious 
Very flat. Van Gogh. Ga
y policemen. Lax drug laws. Clogs. Annoying fake American accents delivered in the style of Shaun Connery...yesh I think sho!
Expensive prostitutes, although the ones over the other side of the canal are cheaper and far dirtier. Cheeky street punks who try to go through your pockets because they think you're out of your head on drugs and you won't notice. Cheeky street punks who don't like being smacked in the mouth for being cheeky street punks. Casino security are far too uptight for their own good. Sleazy bars. Free trams.