Originally Posted by djchameleon
Yes, I understand.
The thread does seem to get off topic more often than not but I don't feel like it's wrong to state opinions for the sake of stating them.
I'm pretty sure there is a Banter in the name of this website.
The word Banter in the website's name doesn't express the rules, or intentions of the rules. If you accept the rules, such as no direct flaming of other members (which I know you do, as you've reported plenty people who you felt insulted you) etc, then how can a word in the website title invalidate that? What, suddenly bantering can't, by definition, be insulting banter? But it says "banter" in the website title...
I think the issue is that you don't really think things through enough. You have good intentions, but they're poorly thought out and they usually contradict themselves. This ends up putting you on the receiving end of some things you may not agree with. I challenge you to at least consider them before simply retaliating with an opinion for the sake of retaliating.