04-28-2011, 10:56 PM
#358 (permalink)
MB Percussionist
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: USA
Posts: 135
Originally Posted by clutnuckle
posts that have the merit of a children scribbling on a blank sheet of construction paper, then I really don't see the problem here either.
Originally Posted by clutnuckle
how sad your existence must be if this is what gets you 'ecstatic'
Moving on...
Originally Posted by clutnuckle
I'm sure there's a YouTube page for you to flame... Why exactly are you here? This is a music 'discussion' website, not a place for you to declare how happy you are for Rebecca Black's misfortune and then, in an attempt to not seem like a total ass, claim "hyperbole!".
Hmm...don't see any flaming. Maybe I should link you to Wikipedia's page for "joke" as well? 
Okay, seriously...when I said I was ecstatic, it was an extreme exaggeration. There are much more pleasing things in this world to me than seeing a high number of dislikes on some stupid video. You pretty much called me pathetic (joke or not), so I responded in an easy going manner with a link. You preceded to get bent out of shape. I didn't once troll, I gave you a taste of your own medicine. A joke to counter your joke. If you can't take it, don't dish it out, 'nuff said.
I seriously have no problem with you. It was all in good fun (my part, at least). Relax, it's All Good. 
As for why I'm here...I'm here to discuss music. I have been doing that in over thirty posts since Monday or whenever I joined. Check my history if you proof.