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Old 04-26-2011, 09:54 AM   #59 (permalink)
Souls of Sound Sailors
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Originally Posted by Herocon View Post
Do you think pop will always be the ****ty auto-tuned, computer-generated crap we often hear on the radio? Or do you think, by some incredible feat, one day popular artists will miraculously begin using instrumments in their songs? I can't really enjoy a song unless it's produced by musical instruments, and not computers. As catchy as it may be, it just doesn't get my attention.
Lots of pop artists use instruments in their songs. Pop is hard to make, it takes some schooling to be able to do "that computer generated crap". It really depends how you look at it. Try looking at what you like about it- maybe it's the synthesized drum beat (which isn't easy either to make), or the very nicely harmonized, cut, and layered singing. It's not like one button the editors press to do that, you know- it takes time, patience, and practice... just like any other form of music.

Why don't you try thinking of the computer as a set of the newest instruments of our time! =) Besides, if I could instantly learn how to do what any artist does, I would want to learn how to do what Lady Gaga does just like her. Sure, it would be cool to play like Muddy Waters but think of the money! Much less people instantly like the sound of muddy's guitar then the well-refined, harmonized sounds of Lady Gaga. Fuck I'd love to "sell out". Soooo much money, so much money.
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