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Old 04-25-2011, 01:41 PM   #5505 (permalink)
Paedantic Basterd
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Yeah, thanks Urban. The fact is, I watched about 10 comparison clips on youtube a few years ago, and I can't separate them in my mind now.

Excerpt from wikipedia on the matter:

An Oasis B-Side "Step Out" was originally intended for the (What's the Story) Morning Glory? album but was taken off after Stevie Wonder requested 10% of the royalties as the chorus bore a similarity to his hit Uptight (Everything's Alright). Instead it was placed as a B-Side on their single Don't Look Back In Anger. Also, because of this, Wonder, Henry Cosby and Sylvia Moy received credit for writing the song, along with Noel Gallagher. Also the single "Whatever" was initially credited as being written by the band's lead guitarist Noel Gallagher. A subsequent lawsuit awarded a co-writing credit to Neil Innes. Oasis were also successfully sued for $500,000 by the New Seekers after the song Shakermaker took its melody from "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing". NOEL GALLAGHER has additionally openly admitted plagiarising a BURT BACHARACH hit for his B-side HALF THE WORLD AWAY. He had no qualms about revealing his pilfering of the Bacharach/HAL DAVID composed song THIS GUY'S IN LOVE WITH YOU. He says, "It sounds exactly the same. I'm surprised he hasn't sued me yet."
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