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Old 04-25-2011, 01:19 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Ark Music Factory

So no doubt most of you are aware of that horrible viral video out at the moment by Rebecca Black, 'Friday.' What not many people know is that Ark Music Factory, those responsible for writing and producing the video, are in fact not a real record label. They are simply a company where rich, star-struck parents pay thousands of dollars for them to make a video of their child. Usually the songs are not released and in the past people have not paid much attention to them, however for some reason Black's just happened to get extremely popular on YouTube.

Just wondering what other people's thoughts are on Ark Music Factory? I think it's stupid and any parent who pays thousands of dollars just for a stupid keepsake video of their child is idiotic. However, I also wish that people would realise that Ark Music was never intended to be a functioning record label.

Also, now that Ark Music Factory has been thrown into the spotlight thanks to 'Friday,' I think it's very dangerous as ALL of these videos are of CHILDREN (as that is what the company does - makes videos of children to make them feel like stars, or whatever). These children, who have little control over what is happening, are getting abused and receiving threats from fully grown ADULTS. It's fair enough that adults resent the pop industry and want to make fun of it - I resent the industry and make fun of it all the time. But I think that venting these frustrations on the children that have recently become victim to this is a very dangerous and inappropriate scenario.

What do you guys think?
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