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Old 04-23-2011, 08:01 AM   #6 (permalink)
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OHR MUSIK "Friction Burns"

This their second release is currently spinning at Ye Olde BaggCave this moment.

Presently the Masterman be too lazy to write a small review, so guess what? - Baggs has pulled up Baggs' OWN review from Baggs' own forum from years ago:

The drumming here is totally un-fun, predictable. When he gets lively
it comes off as if he's come out of some simplistic 60s surfband, say
the Trashmen.

I dont think the average listener is likely to take all 74 minutes in a
single sitting.Porcupine Treeish guitar wankery is good only
in small doses. Its bad when they dont have the sense to go on to
something else.
Still, there is SOME variety here, going from twisted, intense wah-wah
to Popol Vuh-ish pastoral acoustic guitar (and flute).

The long opening track takes you straight into "Atem" Ohr label
mellotron sound. (Also Froess' early lps on Brain).They got the kraut-
organ sound down pat also.*

The fifth track (and elsewhere) has this Hawkwindy/Harmonia blend
bass/drumming thing going. By track 8 its pure Hawkwind only
instrumental. (Entire cd is instrumental.)

Purposely treading familiar turf, but significantly better than most newish faux-old
stuff I have heard.

*A poster with incredible musical memory had this to add: that he also detects nods to the band MY SOLID GROUND on the first track especially.

Now Baggs has a rare vinyl reissue of My Solid Ground and must say its okay yet rather uninspired hardprog. The lyrics on side two especially are juvenile. Not your usual hardrock dumbass girl/boy lyrics but dark and ...just laughable.
Dumbass beercan lyrics can really go well with hardrock - Bagg's particularly thinks it fits well with the music of the Danish band, Moses - but when basic hardrockers try to get a bit clever with lyrics when they foray into proggish waters, well the results usually are not to be commended.
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