I'm not really sure what the mods think about this, privacy-wise.
I'd say: Everyone can show as much as they like to show.
It's wise not to post any current information as to where you live or work!
The idea is that you show bits of your life on streetview.
Shops, schools, clubs, bars... Whatever.
This is the hospital in which I was born
The first house I lived in (0-3 years)
The second house I lived in is in that bush overthere
Third house (6-14)
There's no picture of my first elementary school, so here is...
my second elementary school
First high school
Fourth house, only for a year (14-14)
Fifth house, next is the house I live in now (not on streetview
Second highschool (14-16), they took it down back in 2003
My favourite hangout from 16 to 21. May not look like much, but it was a brilliant alternative music café/lounge/room, whatever. It was great. U2 even performed there when they were really really small back in the 70's
Highschool (18-19)
The train station that was my portal to the world until I got a car
my brilliant music store
One of the supermarkets I go to . When you turn around you see my pizza place
That's it for now. More will follow when I think of more spots.
Mind your privacy and have fun