I always felt as if this debate has been repeated endlessly regardless of decade (to be honest). I don't mind Mainstream music..there are a few gems now and then. What I always found to be interesting is that when one likes a tune from a band that is not known as well as others ...say it is Alternative..and then more people like it..therefore it becomes "Mainstream". And then what happens is that the band who created that little gem of a song has now created a song which has entered the popular realm and can therefore not be liked anymore by the Alternative crowd because that band has become deemed a sellout due to their popularity factor. Then of course you cannot like that band anymore because so many others like them..therefore you must start listening to some band that is heard by few but is considered good and has not sold out. Or a band that was considered a sellout at a certain time but now has not created an album in so long that the original "sell-out" album it has either became a classic and therefore ok to listen to because so few listen to it or it has returned to its Alternative status or became Retro.
Apologies for the rant but this seems to have happened over and over and over for quite a while. I am sure that there are quite as many good songs in the Mainstream genre at the moment as there always have been honestly. Just enjoy it.
Last edited by Liljagare; 04-22-2011 at 05:57 AM.