Dirty: Really like him. We share alot of the same interests, with hip-hop (particularly a love for Nas), and sports being the main two. And I find myself agreeing with him on pretty much everything; I think OFWGKTA is the only thing we haven't agreed on.
Burning Down: She's awesome. Being Canadian and liking the Simpsons is good enough, but she seems like a really nice and down to earth person. I don't know how much I share with her in terms of musical taste, but there's always Blue Rodeo and The Hip.
DJChameleon: Goddamn, is he ever opinionated. But that's a good thing. You can tell he puts alot of thought into his posts, even if I don't agree with him sometimes.
S_K and Holly: Super nice people. I have suspicions that they might be Canadians secretly.
Some other people that seem cool but I haven't talked with them much: Theuglyorgan, Janszoon, Conan, Vanilla, RVCA, Il Duce
And people that I don't think I've ever talked to, but I enjoy reading their posts: Urban Hatemonger, Sidewinder, Jackhammer, Bulldog