Today i downloaded Spiritualized Ladies and gentlemen we are floating in space because i couldnt get track 1 out of my head. There was an art project and they worked on it and the point was to make a physical representation of the album. It was this amazing large sort of triangle topped cube thing. You went inside and it was pitch black, with a few windows across the top. There was light shining through the windows, causing rectangles of light on the floor as well as defined beams. Standing or laying in the beams was fascinating. A portion of the song was looped and it created the most serene and sensory experience. Outside of the cune were 5 stages of bands, pill popping, line snorting, weed smoking droves of hippies and raver kids and music fans... And inside- you floated away. While i was inside a couple began kissing. He through her on the ground and climbed on top of her. They were madly groping eachother. He sat up and she straddled him in one fluid move, lips never seperating, hands still sliding and pulsing across the other's bodies. We joked to those entering "ladies and gentlemen, this is not part of the exhibit.". And today, i bought the album.