Originally Posted by EvilChuck
s_k:I wasnt sure what to make of s_k at the start. He was really friendly, but in a traditional way if this makes sense. I am used to alot of joking around as a way of bonding, 'I mock you, you mock me' type of thing, but he was just genuinely nice and couldnt do enough to help me settle in around here.
I still blame the official sounding stuff on the language. I'm not as free as I want to be. When I am, I usually end up getting misunderstood. I can assure you that I am in no way official

. I am the mocking type myself, I just can't get the hang of it here.
Glad I made you feel comfortable!
He also re-recorded a youtube video he'd made previously of a record playing (the name escapes me right now, sorry) after I'd asked for some recommendations. He told me the original video he'd done was poor quality so he'd redone it so I can hear the song properly. That was way more than I'd expect someone to do really, especially for a newbie.
Hahaha, was that really so special? Well no prob at all.
And newbie or no newbie, we share the love for music so I'm very glad to help you along!
Fwiw (still have to make a list): Altough you were one of the Muzicforums 'babyboomers' and I thought you wouldn't last long, after a couple of postings I figured you're a great guy. Glad you (and you were one of the few of those people) stuck around!