Originally Posted by billyjerome
24. The Marshall Mathers LP - Eminem

This album cover fits the mood of the album much better than the original, in my opinion. Especially in the sense of the track 'Kim'. My goodness...everytime I hear it..I get chills throughout my entire being. I have not heard ANYTHING so emotional from any other hip-hop artist. Plus, 'Stan' is right behind 'Kim' in terms of emotion. I once sang 'Stan' for karaoke one night...woah. I emoted the same as Em did...there was a very eerie hush over the crowd. It isn't exactly a song you can dance or have a good time to. Luckily my buddy was there and stood up after a few seconds and delivered the best slow clap I have witnessed to date. HAH!
Favorite Tracks: Stan, The Way I Am, Marshall Mathers, Kim
This is a great album, I totally agree with you.
Love slow claps!
Oh and the Biggie album, love it, particularly You're Nobody (Till Somebody Kills You) -> my favourite song of his.