I was looking through my collection of hip-hop and realized that it is still quite an untapped genre for critical albums. Some may disagree but to me, hip-hop has been full of artists who have a hit here and there, yet, never release an entire LPs worth of solid material. Of course this is common in any genre. For me, it appeared more so for hip-hop. The following list I compiled is limited to 25 albums, which, is subject to change any day of the week. This just happens to be my "at the current moment" version. Each album will have a short rambling and include my favorite tracks. I am not a music critic so the short ramblings will be just that, ramblings. Whatever comes to mind about each album is what you get. Let's start the show!
25. Speakerboxxx / The Love Below - OutKast

I was considering separating this into 2 solo efforts during the listing process but decided to keep it together as the artists intended. Speakerboxxx might not have been included had I have done that but together as a whole unit, this album stays consistent. ...That doesn't make sense now that I wrote that but hopefully you understand where I am trying to go with it. Honestly, I have nothing else to write about this...just another example of why this list is subjective. I already want to swap this album out for another :P
Favorite Tracks:
The Way You Move,
Love Hater Trilogy,
Hey Ya!