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Old 08-10-2005, 10:44 AM   #19 (permalink)
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While most of the reasons for Invading Iraq have been proven wrong we are too far along to even contemplate pulling out now. We have an obligation to help stabilize the country.

the recent terrorist attacks show that the only people who want us out right now are the people who would benefit from a decrepit Iraq.

I am against War in the more general sense but sometimes it becomes neccessary.

and to Urban. China is on the fast track to a free market system. Invading to overthrow a rapidly failing pseudo-communist government would be insanity. North Korea will also not be touched at least in the near future. In the larger scheme of things, Iraq was a warning to the other hostile nuclear powers that said "we can and will destroy your government"

and the Iraq war wasn't about oil. why haven't the prices dropped? oh yeah because we aren't looting it. At the end of the day a ruthless dictator was deposed and 85% majority of citizens had a voice for the first time in 30 years.
One note timeless, came out of nowhere...
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