Originally Posted by s_k
Hahaha, so as long as I haven't killed anyone, we're good?  .
Thing with the smileys is, I was very much against it in the beginning. I am a pretty big language freak so I didn't want to implement hem. But I kept running into trouble with people who didn't understand what I mean. I think it's almost become some sort of compulsion. I should add that I definitely use more smileys when I write in English. I think it's because I'm afraid to come over wrong or something like that. I don't do it in real life though  (I did actually smile there  . And again, dammit!).
I am very curious about which albums I recommended you liked and disliked. My taste is rather broad so I might be able to advise you something that suits your taste better. I mean, your avatar tells me you have taste  .
I loved the huge smiley. I put it in my favourites for future uses.
As far as the creepy friendliness goes: I only hear this from people on this forum, I also only hear the smileys thing on this forum. I'm not sure what causes all this but I can assure you that I'm not a creep in any way. I guess  .

...thats cool man..whatever floats your boat. You crack me up at any rate. Look forward to more of your posts and ill see if I can find those recommendations you posted.